A grand festival of lights, DIWALI is definitely the most alluring and auspicious occasions to be celebrated by each one of us. To make it more memorable and brighten up your day, we the team of Prithvi Innovations bring you eco-friendly ways to cherish these joyful moments with your family and friends by engaging in joyful little green acts of kindness & love for Mother Earth and our less fortunate fellowmen around us, like the waste collectors, rag pickers, slum dwellers, migrant labourers, rickshaw pullers, our maids & helping hands etc..
Though most of us share our joy & festivity with the less fortunate ones around us, by gifting goodies, food, diyas crackers, clothes, to them, which is indeed very appreciable.

But would not it feel awesome to celebrate this Diwali in new spirit and style by gifting them a lifetime gift of Clean Air, Clean Roads & pathways, Clean riverside, Clean Water and sharing some thoughts to build their immunity, improve their health, by being more conscious and cautious of any garbage that leaves our house, office, factories or industries for that matter.

How about reducing our Carbon Footprints and keeping our surroundings clean & pollution free, especially for these people who do not have choice to pull up the windows of their cars every time they pass through a heap of garbage, or who have the choice to shut their windows & doors, or have choice to put on a N95 mask, to stop the unbearable foil smell or stop the hazardous toxic gas (from burning of plastic garbage) enter their house etc.

Deprived of proper home or shelter, residing along the dirty garbage filled roadsides, pathways, railway lines, the people who are most valuable service providers to us (they pick our garbage, clean our toilets every day and help us have clean homes, build our houses, cook for us, drive us to work,) are often the ones who have to suffer because of the excessive garbage, that is generated by us especially during this competitive Covid times, due to certain rise in online shopping, excessive, glamorous, show-off packaging and what not.
Add to this, is the reckless dumping or irresponsible disposable of our garbage in mixed or non- segregated way, in the absence of abstain on the increasing extravaganzas, show-culture and over-consumerism, in the absence of awareness, concern and willingness to change our habits & mind sets.
And to top it all the lack of clear cut, well-laid down, decentralised, sustainable management & mechanisms of garbage segregation, collection and disposal or it’s timely recovery, reuse and recycling.

If the above lines seriously disturb you and make you pause, reflect and think, then you are at the right place, for we at Prithvi Innovations invite you for meaningful journey of Change and transformation which can help us all to gift aCleaner, Greener, Toxic free, Safe, Healthy, joyful and Peaceful present and future to our less fortunate fellowmen this Diwali.
We congratulate you for being a compassionate and responsible citizen, who are willing to take charge and explore with us our 10 ‘R’s of Transformation & Growth this Diwali.
We at Prithvi Innovations, welcome you to be our valuable Co-Partners to make this change possible by registering for the diverse range of Eco-Services and Eco-Consultancy we offer you to be Green heroes of Zeroes, to minimize your garbage, to Rethink, Repurpose, Refuse, Reduce, Repair, Reuse, Redesign, Re-innovate, Replenish, Revive the good old cultural practises that were rooted in Sustainability and helped us to Minimalist.
Besides holding hands and walking with you and helping you to understand your garbage and treat it with respect and redefine it as a precious Resource, like transforming 60-70 percent of your wet kitchen waste into rich, nutritious organic compost, (extremely healthy for your soil and excellent to grow veget ables and fruits and nourish the top soil), we also offer to you simple, but extremely innovative, out of the box ways to add value & beauty to Life by providing Green Livelihood Support to rural and deprived women around you by reusing and upcycling some of the garbage (and put it back in the cycle rather than dumping in Landfills), to create beautifully handcrafted , multipurpose items, like Planters ( from old plastic and tin boxes), Hand bags, Cloth bags, Gift Eco-potlis ( from discarded clothes etc.) Table Coaster or Floor mats (from cement bags & garment industry waste), Rich Calcium fertilizer for your soil and plants (from used egg shells), Effective natural Cleansers or Bioenzymes (the citrus fruit & vegetable peels) and so on at our Bhoomija Zero-Waste Home Shop (a step towards Circular Economy), an outreach initiative of Prithvi Innovations.
We are there to add a Green Midas touch to your festivity and help you make your celebrations completely green & clean, with Zero Waste & Zero pollution at Bhoomija ZeroWaste Home shop.
Every time you adopt our Bhoomija Eco-gifts, we wish to express our heartfelt Thanks to you for being a Compassionate & Responsible Consumer.

Also we wish to extend our special gratitude to you for making these festival time not just special for yourself but for the deprived people around you, (by providing them Green livelihood & good health & education) and for the plants and animals around you (by reducing waste & keeping our surroundings clean & green).
Please visit our SERVICE PAGE to avail our Consultancy on CSR projects, Training & Eco-services (like our Steel Crockery Bank) or to Gift our Eco-Workshops & Capacity building Sessions (like our Green Miracles Workshop on Composting & 10 ‘R’s) or to help you plan your official or personal events or Celebrations to minimize wastages, especially food wastage ( Zero-Waste Celebrations), or to help you provide Food to the Needy in memory of your dear ones(

Annapoorna Rasoi ) or to help you conduct Online /offline workshops/classes/course etc.. for Rural or underprivileged students & youth ( Swayam) or to conduct our Vocational Training on Digital & Functional Literacy & Green Livelihood ( like our DIY course on Upcycling & redesigning) to your staff, students, Youth or SHGs etc.. or to help you reach to the right beneficiaries and execute cloth/shoes/books donation drives, Eco-sanitary pads donation drives ( Darbaar-E-Khushie), etc..on your special request.

Please visit our Bhoomija Zero-Waste Home Shop to adopt or switch to Green or eco-friendly packaging & gifting options like Seed Ganesh Lakshi ji, Upcyled Cloth Bags, Grocery bags, upcycled planters, home made organic compost, Natural Cleansers (Bioenzymes), Seed Calendars, Seed Pens, Solar Lanterns, Upcylced, stylish Hand bags, etc..